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Release Notes: Quarter 1, 2024

ProLink Solutions is pleased to announce a Procorem release.

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Build: February 13, 2024

  • Production Build: March 12, 2024

New Email Notifications

Procorem will send an email when a WorkCenter Administrator adds themselves to a WorkCenter. The email is delivered to all Member collaborators on the WorkCenter. This notification provides transparency so that a WorkCenter Administrator cannot add themselves to a WorkCenter to view personally identifiable information in the Tenant Portal without oversight across the collaborators.


The system only sends the email if a new account setting—Send an email alert if a WorkCenter Administrator added themselves to a WorkCenter—is selected.


Tickets Delivered

The release includes the following items.

Ticket Number



ProLink fixed an error that occurred when you created a new task or opened a task imported from a template for a WorkCenter without any collaborators.


ProLink fixed an issue so that when you create a WorkCenter based on a template with collaborators, the collaborators are imported to the new WorkCenter as expected.


ProLink fixed an error that occurred when you cleared the Immediate Emails or Include in Digest checkbox for a collaborator in the Collaborators column of a WorkCenter.