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Collaborating with Procorem

At its heart, Procorem is a tool to improve communication and collaboration for both internal and external parties. To empower our users, we designed Procorem to improve collaboration across three core areas: user collaboration, document collaboration, and project collaboration. By focusing on these three areas, in a single solution, you no longer have to jump back and forth between varying applications to manage both the technical and human processes associated with your project.

User Collaboration

Procorem collaboration focuses first on managing human interaction between both internal and external parties. Creating a single, secure location for all users means that your project can be managed effectively from day one. Take a look at the following sections of the guide to maximize your collaboration between users:

Document Collaboration

Document collaboration is core to any project. Procorem’s framework begins by focusing not only on storing documents, but how to share, version, comment, and align documents with key project milestones. With Procorem all your documents can be stored safely and securely in the cloud, but should you ever need to get your documents on your desktop, we can show you how. Check out some of the following sections to drill more into Procorem’s document collaboration capabilities:

Project Collaboration

As you know, documents alone are not enough to manage your project. You need project management tools tailored to fit your business. Procorem provides complete project and task management to make sure you have all the tools you need in a single application. Learn more about Procorem’s project management capabilities in the links below: