Account-Level Data Views: The Files Data View
For an overview of data view functionality, see Data Views.
The Files data view allows you to view files across the account.

The data view shows files in the account for the active WorkCenter(s) that you are collaborator on. You must have accepted the invitation to the account. Account and WorkCenter administrators will see files for all active WorkCenters on the account.
Column | Description |
File Name | File thumbnail image and the file title. |
WorkCenter Name | WorkCenter Name of the file. |
WorkCenter Category | WorkCenter Category of the file. |
Status | Status of the file. |
Type | Type of file. |
File Size | File size, displayed as kb. |
Folder | Name of the folder the file exists within. |
# of Comments | Count of file comments. |
# of Versions | Count of file versions. |
# of Linked Tasks | Count of tasks linked to the file. |
# of Activities | Count of activities associated to the file. |
Initial Upload Date | The date the file was first uploaded. |
Initial Upload By | The name of the user that first uploaded the file. |
Last Upload Date | The date of the most recent file version. |
Last Upload By | The name of the user that uploaded the most recent version of the file. |
Most Recent Comment | The most recent file comment prefixed with the user name and date updated (up to 100 characters). |
Most Recent Associated Task | The most recent task associated to the file (up to 100 characters). |
File Description | Description of the file (up to 100 characters). |
Created Date | The date the file was created. |
Created By User | The name of the user that created the file. |
Updated Date | The date that the File Details were most recently updated. |
Updated By | The name of the user that most recently updated the File Details. |
Uploaded Physical File Name | The file name of the most recent file from the user's device. This can be different from the Procorem file title. |
WorkCenter ID | WorkCenter ID of the file. |
File ID | System ID for the file. |