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Account-Level Data Views: The Collaborators Data View

For an overview of data view functionality, see Data Views.

The Collaborators data view allows you to view collaborators across the account.


The data view shows collaborators in the account for the active WorkCenter(s) that you are collaborator on. Account and WorkCenter administrators will see collaborators for all active WorkCenters on the account.

Table 1. Collaborators Data View



Collaborator Name

First name and last name of the collaborator.

Email Address

Email address of the collaborator.

WorkCenter Name

WorkCenter Name that the collaborator is associated with.

WorkCenter Category

WorkCenter Category of the WorkCenter that the collaborator is associated with.


Status of the collaborator (Pending WorkCenter access, Invite pending acceptance, WorkCenter accessed).

WorkCenter Role

The WorkCenter role name for the collaborator.

Added to WorkCenter Date

The date and time the collaborator is added to the WorkCenter, localized to the browser's time.

You can filter to the date level, not time.

Added By User

The first name and last name of the user who added the collaborator to the WorkCenter.

WorkCenter ID

WorkCenter ID of the collaborator.

Collaborator ID

System ID for the collaborator.