Release Notes: December 3, 2020
ProLink Solutions is pleased to announce a Procorem release. The changes are described below.
Strike Through Task Assignee, Approver, Follower Names for Removed Collaborators (PLS Support Ticket 5843)
When a collaborator has been removed from a WorkCenter but remains listed on tasks in the WorkCenter, the daily digest emails will still show the person’s name for associated tasks but with strike-through formatting.

Added Details to Task Flow Emails
Procorem emails generated for tasks in a task flow now include the Assignees, Approvers, and Followers of the task. As a result, you can quickly see task responsibilities directly in the emails.
Fixed Issues
We addressed the following issues:
PLS Support Ticket 8550—Fixed an issue with type-ahead search not working when adding a new Collaborator.
PLS Support Ticket 8552—Fixed an issue with long file names on post attachments.
PLS Support Ticket 8607—Fixed a bug related to new users attempting to log in outside the email link.
PLS Support Ticket 8763—Fixed a bug related to the filter on Admin People & Permissions when adding a user to multiple WorkCenters.
PLS Support Ticket 8842—Fixed a bug related to People & Permissions > Edit Person > WorkCenter tab (displayed WorkCenter that user is no longer on).